This time it's a fantastic post I have come up with.
I was watching on TV, an amazing TV show which showcased the cure of Asthma using Fish. Couldn't believe myself that is it possible to cure Asthma just by using a tiny fish.. But its true!!
Thought let me share this info with all... who knows it might help someone who is in need.
The Bathini Goud Brothers of Hyderabad claims to cure the Asthma by their ancestral home remedy medicine which involves the swallowing of live fish (2 Inch) filled with medicine.
Bathini Fish Treatment - Curing Asthma
The wonder Herbal food supplement for Asthama patients of Bathini Goud Brothers is called as Bathini Mrugasira Fish.
Bathini Mrugasira Fish is stuffed inside the mouth of live murrel fish of 2 to 2.5inch in size and is slipped inside the mouth of Asthmatic patient. This live fish as it moves inside the throat wagging its tail and fins helps to negotiate the phlegm congestion thus providing a 100% cure to Asthma.

In the year 1845, a holy man happened to meet Mr. Veeranna Goud. That holy man was impressed with Mr. Veeranna's nature and gave this secret formula of some miraculous "HERBS" and blessed the well and the place of administration of Bathini Mrugasira Fish. He blessed Mr. Veeranna Goud with this gift and also instructed him to distribute this Herbal food supplement for Asthama patients "FREE of COST" to the sufferers of this dreaded disease.
It is also very important that this Bathini Mrugasira Fish is administrated on a particular nakshetra. Bathini Mrugasira Fish is given on MRIGASHIRA KARTHI nakshetra. Exrta doses of Karthi are provided to patients to be taken on three successive Karthis, i.e., Arudra Karthi, punnavasu Karthi & Pushymi Karti which falls every fifteen days in the duration of 45 days. After taking Bathini Mrugasira Fish the patient has to be under strict diet control for 45 days, as suggested.
This medicine is provided FREE OF COST. Beware of the fake medicines given around Hyderabad.
The Bathini Goud family have never disclosed the ingredients to anyone apart from the Goud family members.
for more details visit :
Hope this post helps the needy.
Disclaimer: The information shared has been taken from different sources while doing research. Credit goes to those people who own it. In case of any issue kindly let me know.
I was watching on TV, an amazing TV show which showcased the cure of Asthma using Fish. Couldn't believe myself that is it possible to cure Asthma just by using a tiny fish.. But its true!!
Thought let me share this info with all... who knows it might help someone who is in need.
The Bathini Goud Brothers of Hyderabad claims to cure the Asthma by their ancestral home remedy medicine which involves the swallowing of live fish (2 Inch) filled with medicine.

Bathini Fish Treatment - Curing Asthma
The wonder Herbal food supplement for Asthama patients of Bathini Goud Brothers is called as Bathini Mrugasira Fish.
Bathini Mrugasira Fish is stuffed inside the mouth of live murrel fish of 2 to 2.5inch in size and is slipped inside the mouth of Asthmatic patient. This live fish as it moves inside the throat wagging its tail and fins helps to negotiate the phlegm congestion thus providing a 100% cure to Asthma.

In the year 1845, a holy man happened to meet Mr. Veeranna Goud. That holy man was impressed with Mr. Veeranna's nature and gave this secret formula of some miraculous "HERBS" and blessed the well and the place of administration of Bathini Mrugasira Fish. He blessed Mr. Veeranna Goud with this gift and also instructed him to distribute this Herbal food supplement for Asthama patients "FREE of COST" to the sufferers of this dreaded disease.
It is also very important that this Bathini Mrugasira Fish is administrated on a particular nakshetra. Bathini Mrugasira Fish is given on MRIGASHIRA KARTHI nakshetra. Exrta doses of Karthi are provided to patients to be taken on three successive Karthis, i.e., Arudra Karthi, punnavasu Karthi & Pushymi Karti which falls every fifteen days in the duration of 45 days. After taking Bathini Mrugasira Fish the patient has to be under strict diet control for 45 days, as suggested.
This medicine is provided FREE OF COST. Beware of the fake medicines given around Hyderabad.
The Bathini Goud family have never disclosed the ingredients to anyone apart from the Goud family members.
for more details visit :
Hope this post helps the needy.
Disclaimer: The information shared has been taken from different sources while doing research. Credit goes to those people who own it. In case of any issue kindly let me know.
Though I was informed about the therapy, still you have done a good job while publishing it for the mass.
Hello, Amazing wonders in my life.
Your exquisite work leads my impression.
The passion for the art. It is universal.
Thank you visit to my garden.
The prayer for all peace.
Have a good weekend. From Japan, friday night ruma❃
Thanks Sanjay for your comments
Thanks Ruma... :)
Todos os dias Deus nos dá um momento em
que é possível mudar tudo que nos deixa infelizes.
Que um sim ou um não pode mudar toda a nossa existência.
E muitas vezes perdemos tanto do foco da vida,
que não enxergamos nem entendemos ,
que Deus tem um proposito para cada um de nós.
Um pouco triste?:Sim: mas creio na grande mudança ,
que Deus esta preparando para mim.
A você meu carinho obrigada por fazer parte
de todas as mudanças boa ou não continuas
caminhando comigo.
Um final de semana abençoado.
Beijos no coração afagos na alma.
Hi Amazing! I enjoyed my visit to your blog so much that I have become a follower. I am fascinated by India and hope to visit your beautiful country some day. Have a great weekend!
Hey thanks for your visit... You're welcome india....India is a beautiful country and there are so many places to explore.... You will enjoy to the fullest...
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