Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Missing the childhood innocence - Hi-tech world

The other day while watching outside my Gallery I saw something Unusual...
There were two kids pulling the cart ( which they invented all by themselves using a Big Box) and two infants sitting inside that cart and taking a ride.
It was so special for me, coz it reminded me of my childhood. I used to take tyres & stick and play with it as if we are riding a bullock cart.
Sometimes it makes me think where is that innocence gone which we used have as a kids. Nowadays all kids want Hi-tech stuffs including my daughter.  

The infants were not even scared.. they were thoroughly enjoying it. Felt Happy to see the enjoyment what they were having.

Who has money can buy their kids IPad, PSP and much more Hi-tech stuffs which someone else has invented, But who doesn't can't afford  - their kids invent all new stuff all by themselves.


aspiritofsimplicity said...

So true. While I think it's important for youth to have access to hi-tech world I believe it's equally important for them to know how to build a toy out of a box and use it together. That's where they learn everything that matters.

eileeninmd said...

The children today are spoiled with all the hi-tech gadgets. I spent most of my childhood playing with others my age from my neighborhood. Great post!

Breathtaking said...

I agree with you, and I especially like your post as it reminded me of my own youth,when playing outside in the fresh air with a box or a square piece of wood or a coin was much more desirable and inventive than sitting watching a box indoors. When everything is made so easy, there is little incentive to invent games.Great post!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am in love with our techie world, but i do believe it along with TV has not been the best thing for our world... the simple pleasures are falling by the wayside while both parents work and sress themselves out to buy all the STUFF when kids need the parents not the stuff

George said...

I think children are missing a lot in this high tech world. It seems as if they are expected to be miniature adults. I wonder if they will lose their imaginations.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Kids these days are so spoiled with their high tech gadgets that they don't know how to use their imagination.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post.

Ramakant Pradhan said...

So true. I guess its a whole new generation out there, probably smarter and more clever than the current. But their lifestyles will be much different than the life style of the millennia generation.

Amazing wonders in my life said...

Thank you all for dropping by and giving your views....

Blitz said...

Nice and fun series. Creative:)