Friday, December 27, 2013

Securing my child's future

The moment when my baby was born, a sense of responsibility with the tender love for her made me realise on making her future secured.

There are so many things when I consider her future to be secured - Physically, emotionally, mentally, financially - everything plays a vital role.

Sometimes I think, what will her future be? As the days pass-by, the expenses will gradually increase. Nowadays it becomes difficult to afford anything, nothing comes easily.

If I become a santa and can gift her only 5 things, then I would gift her -

Health - Give her the best nutrition for her growth so that she doesn't fall ill and the best health plan that can help her stay in good health

Emotional - Freedom to take her own decisions, and guide her to take right decision and respect her decisions - this helps her become independant in the long run

Financial - Financially secure her future by investing in real estate that will help her earn a regular income through rent and take some financial policies/FD's which help her financial needs as and when she would require to liquidate it.

Physical - Educate her on sports and group events that would teach her leadership skills and be a teamplayer.

Education - Give her basic education and let her choose her future.

Above all, all I could do is to pray and always be there for her as a pillar of strength and advisor.

This post is a part of the <a title="1001 Gifts " href=";utm_medium=BlogPost&amp;utm_campaign=1001Gifts">1001 Gifts Activity by HDFC Life</a> in association with <a title="BlogAdda" href="">BlogAdda</a>



Fundy Blue said...

You love for your daughter shines!

Unknown said...

What a perfect gift that would be..


Rick said...

A healthy and happy New Year for you, your husband, and your daughter.